Saturday, November 8, 2008

ICT in the classroom....

In this age of science and technology, lots of technologies are created such as Smartboard, OHP, LCD and others. As teachers, can we use ICT in the classroom? Well, of course we can. In fact, it is a good way to make the teaching and learning process more interesting. I didn't mean that traditional way of teaching is not good but it is good to improve our way of teaching.
Students might get bored to just sit and listen to their teacher. As to avoid boredom, the use of ICT can be integrated in a classroom. Example, instead of just using a plain paper and pencil to answer question, teacher can use online exercises in the internet for the students to solve it. So, besides learning about technology, they can reinforce their learning by doing those exercises. Besides that, there are some games in the website that can be tried by the students. The games not just for the sake of the students to have fun but to educate themselves in a fun way.
So, teacher should learn to integrate ICT in their teaching and learning process as to make the classroom more interesting and alive.


Nowadays, the modern technologies are developing. Now from blackboard, we have moved to whiteboard and now the creation of Smartboard. Many people do not know about it since it is not used widely yet. But with the existance of the Smartboard, lots of things can be done. It becomes quite handy especially to teachers but the way to use it might be a problem to them.
The way to use the Smartboard is quite complicated especially to those who are IT illiterate. Even an IT literate also will face the problem to use the Smartboard. It will be an advantage if we know how to use it since it will be very helpful especially to teachers. Teachers can do lots of things with it. For example, to let the students to watch video, showing pictures and making the lesson more interactive.
Students also will be excited to learn with Smartboard because it is different from a regular whiteboard. So, as future teachers, we should be expert in using the Smarboard so it would not trouble us later. Plus, we can give a hand to those who are not familiar with Smartboard.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Technology and education~

Technology and education? Nowadays, technology are always related to each other.. Why is it so? From the blackboard, we move on to whiteboard and now a lot of schools are using Overhead projector (OHP). Day by day technology are becoming more important especially in education. Teachers tend to use technology in their teaching. It is easier for the teachers to integrate technology in their teaching because it is handy to them.
Moreover, teacher need to improve their skills in using technology because lots of teachers especially the veteran teachers do not know how to use the technology around them. So, by integrating the technology in the classroom, it might improved their skills. Besides, it is to avoid the students to become bored of the traditional way of teaching. I'm not saying the traditional way is not good but sometimes making a difference might be good and helpful.
I am student myself. Doing this blog alone is considered as technology. I also have to submit my assignments online. I need to update about certain things in ADEC. Every of these are involved in my learning process which is part of the education I have to go through. So, technology are needed for me in order to educate myself.
In this era of science and technology, we need to get used to the technology and cannot limit ourselves to the traditional way of learning because we might not be able to catch up with the lesson. We need to open up to the new technology so we will no be left behind. In short, education and technology compliment each other.